Paul Harris Fellows

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The Paul Harris Fellow Award is awarded by the Rotary Club of Amherst to people in the greater Amherst area who have made significant contributions to the community.

Service above self


Rotary Club of Amherst Paul Harris Felow Recipients

Paul Harris Fellow Recipient                    PHF Date

Aldrich, Barbara                                            Jun-03

Aldrich, Christopher H.                                  May-97

Balcom, John M.                                            Jul-95

Barbaro, John A.                                           Jan-99

Beall, Andrew                                                Jan-79

Boisseau, Gregory P.                                    Apr-08

Bowler, Maureen E                                        May-10

Boyle, Michael A.                                           Mar-00

Briere, Gwendoline M.                                  Apr-08

Brose, Carlton C.                                           Sep-93

Campney, Ann                                                May-93

Carey, Ellen                                                     Jan-04

Carhart, May A.                                               Oct-95

Carhart, Thomas M.                                        May-86

Como, Gertrude J.                                          Sep-93

Conlon, John T.                                               May-10

Dabrowski, Thaddeus                                    Apr-97

Fraser, Duncan H                                           Sep-89

Gillen, William V.                                             Feb-92

Grady, Gerald J                                               Sep-93

Grose, Robert F.                                             Aug-87

Hall, Alvin  MacLauren                                    Apr-12

Hastings, Ann                                                  Feb-12

Hastings, Donald E                                        Oct-90

Henley, Lloyd                                                   Feb-06

Hewlett, Horace W.                                        Jan-81

Holdsworth, Justine G                                     Feb-05

Holhut, Anna                                                    Feb-06

Howe, Maurice A.                                            May-10

Johnson, Pauline C.                                         Jun-03

Jones, Denison H                                             May-89

Jones, Gerald L.                                               Feb-05

Jones, Walter C                                                Jul-83

Kaneta, Keith O.                                               Sep-89

Keochakian, Joan G.                                         Mar-07

Kinney, Arthur                                                     Oct-11

Kraus, Richard A.                                               Apr-09

Kravetz, Steven J.                                              Apr-09

Lenz, Robert                                                       Aug-10

MacNeal, Annie                                                 Sep-11

Maia, Donald                                                     Mar-00

Mascis, Joseph D                                             Oct-90

Mathews, Richard H.                                        Apr-97

May, George A.                                                 Apr-97

McInnis, G. Bruce                                              Apr-08

Melley, Daniel M.                                               Mar-00

Moss, Renee                                                     Mar-07

Newell, Hamilton I.                                           Jan-84

Newell, Norman D                                            Sep-89

O'Rourke, Chad MIchael                                 May-11

Perron, Sandra M.                                          Apr-08

Potter, Andrew                                                 Mar-07

Potter, Jocelyn                                                 Apr-09

Quarles, Thomas                                             Jul-86

Quinton, Arthur                                                 Jan-04

Rice, Kathleen A.                                            Apr-12

Rotti, Linda                                                     May-01

Roy, Margery H.                                              Apr-97

Scoon, Maxwell H.                                         Mar-07

Sebastyn, Thomas G.                                    Feb-92

Severance, Edward                                       Apr-09

Sheckels, Dale                                               Oct-90

Shumway, Robert L.                                       Apr-00

Smith, James A.                                              May-09

Smith, Leslie                                                   Apr-02

Steele, Ronald A.                                           Feb-92

Stern, Robert                                                   Jan-99

Stevens, A. P.                                                 Apr-97

Stevens, Shirley E.                                         Feb-06

Torrey, Allen L.                                                 Jan-86

Triplett, James                                                 May-11

Vanasse, Sally R.                                            Feb-05

Volpe, John M                                                  Jun-84

Ward, Philip H.                                                Jul-95

Whitlock, W. Gerry                                          Sep-93

Winternitz, Robert                                           Aug-87

Wyman, Raymond                                          Jun-85

Ziomek, Stanley P.                                         Sep-89